Get Around Beta Group

This is the week we were planning to sell our car, and attempt to go carless for at least a few months

In the American right of passage, Big Guy is excited about joining a t-ball league this spring. We had researched transportation, and since one field is on the bus line and the other is just around the corner in walking distance, we thought we were covered for this season.  Alas, Hubby has volunteered to coach his new t-ball team and part of that responsibility is to schlep the team’s gear to games…although we are still crossing our fingers that the co-coach can take on this duty!  Even as urban bus-riding parents, we knew that mandatory carpooling would come someday soon…we were just hoping to use Flexcar…it turns out there could be another alternative. 

I recently found out about an innovative new transportation service of sorts – person to person car lending called  Get Around . When first thinking about how much our car was costing us while parked at the curb I actually thought of this idea – why not put your car up for temporary loan to a friend or neighbor? It could be a win-win and enable more people who don’t use their car (or second car) all the time, want to keep it handy, but could manage lending it out from time to time. The Beta pilot is about to be tested in Portland, but the website explains how every transaction is covered by insurance and you set your own price and time limits for your own car. Other renters just have to find one that works for them. 

I’ll let you know my experience once I have a chance to test it.

You may wonder how not owning a car, but still driving around town could help the environment. Here’s a great article about how  peer-to-peer sharing is the consumer wave of the future that will help reducing our collective carbon footprint.

Have you tried Get Around? 
I’d love to hear your experience.

Sustainable Family Finances 
The story of a family creating an abundant and sustainable life.

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