One of my goals when starting this blog venture was to simplify our finances. I feel like I’ve come a long way in the past six months, and have certain reached some important goals. I certainly have more work ahead, but “inch by inch, life is a cinch.”
So this past weekend when I was going through yet another stack of paperwork that I piled up,
I was thrilled to see the my favorite eco-bank now offers e-Statements in lieu of traditional paper copies
These are the reasons ShoreBank Pacific gives to sign up for e-Statements:
- They’re convenient & secure
- Saves paper & trees
- Delivered directly to your inbox
- Reduces paper clutter
- They free & enrolling is easy
When we first merged our accounts there Hubby commented “aren’t they an eco-bank?!”
I already check our balance online about once a week, so who really needs a paper copy to recycle?
My employer finally got with the new green century and recently started offering online bill stubs, so now I’ll have a few less paper to stack up!
While we don’t pay for the postage directly, the savings does add up. I know that for the last paper bill I needed to mail I used a stamp leftover from my holiday cards, and it’s July.
Does your bank offer e-Statements?
Sustainable Family Finances
The story of a family creating an abundant and sustainable life.