It’s hard to believe, but it’s already been over a year since we finished our home energy efficiency upgrades through the Clean Energy Works pilot program. Since I’ve written on our experience pretty extensively, I want to evaluate the true energy and cost savings of the program now that I have a full year of bills to compare.
(See previous posts: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Initial Evaluation, Poster Family)
For our natural gas use, from May to May, we used 54.56 Therms per month, compared to 70.49 Therms in the previous 13 months, which is a 22.6% reduction in energy use. This is despite the fact that we nearly froze here this May…truly I don’t remember ever keeping the heat on that long! While I’m pretty satisfied with those results, I am a bit perplexed by how the estimate of Therms saved in the bid is so much less in real life…they had projected 433 Therms saved, but in the first year it was only 207 Therms…I’ll have to check with our contractor to see if he knows why it’s lower.
As mentioned in the “initial evaluation” post, our previous natural gas bill had been $97. After the Clean Energy Works loan, it went up to $146.24. We are still on the even bill pay, so it’s taking a bit to catch up, but our new average for the past 14 months is $105, which includes the loan fee of $49.24. For the comfort factor alone, the $8 extra would be worth it. In the long run, we can expect to see our natural gas bill drop to $55 for an annual savings of about $500 a year.
Have you increased your energy efficiency and reduced your utility bills?
Sustainable Family Finances
The story of a family creating an abundant and sustainable life.
Author Archives: Darcy Cronin
Doggy Update

Kiva Credits
Last year at Father’s Day I wrote about my “Green Dads”. I also wrote about
giving them both $25 in Kiva loans for Father’s Day.
This year my father has passed, but his Kiva credits remain. In fact, the El Salvadoran cook I sponsored in his honor has repaid the loan entirely. (The Bolivian mechanic is 71% repaid). Plus, somewhere in the middle of the year when the first loan was repaid, I committed to two more loans, a farmer from Tajikistan has already repaid his loan and a women’s co-op from Senegal is currently investing in cattle with the funds from this original loan.
Now I have $32 in credit to re-lend, and I’ve decided to support Tres Esquinas Group, a 34 year old woman from Peru who decorates events with cloth. Since I happen to be turning 34 on Saturday and love hosting parties, it seems like the perfect match.
It’s pretty awesome for an initial gift of just $50…imagine the impact around the world!
In case you aren’t familiar micro-lending, here’s a great video on
Kiva micro-lending. If you want something more in depth and inspiring, here’s a video on
Investing in Women.
Here are the basics from Kiva’s website:
- 592,634 Kiva lenders
- $221 million in loans
- 98.79% Repayment rate
- 133 Field Partners
- 450 volunteers around the world
- 59 different countries
Do you give the gift of Kiva loans?
Use this link to lend your first $25 for free!
Sustainable Family Finances
The story of a family creating an abundant and sustainable life.
Travel Gift Policy
As our family heads off to Denmark, on our first international family vacation with kids, I’ve started to consider the topic of gifts. When it comes to travel, gift giving often hits you coming and going. Unless you are headed off to a resort, in most cases of international travel you may likely have reason to provide your host with some kind of a gift.
In our case, I have beloved host families whom I’ve lived with and care for deeply. We’ll also be staying with several families over the course of our trip, and thus obviously want to provide a thank you for our hosts. I won’t give it away entirely, as some may be readers, but I’ve managed to find some lovely options at our local Saturday Market. When it comes to buying outbound gifts, the main guidance is to find something that represents where you are from (hopefully locally made as well), isn’t too weighty or delicate, and shows appropriate thanks to your host.
On the flip side of travel, is to consider what works for you in terms of buying gifts for friends and family as you return from your adventures. While clearly it is nice to share goodies from your travels, it is helpful to keep a few things in mind when souvenir purchases:
- Don’t go over board! It is very easy to want to buy something for everyone. From my experience, most people aren’t actually expecting something, and will respect that you would rather share stories than t-shirts.
- Not everyone actually wants a souvenir from a place they’ve never been. They would likely appreciate something thoughtfully selected, but to buy something just to check it off your list is likely just a waste on both sides. Not everyone wants a wooden rhinoceros.
- Have fun! Shopping and finding goodies to bring home from travels is supposed to be fun, so don’t feel like you have to buy anything for anyone, including yourself. Markets and shopping can be some of the most interesting experiences in any country, but not becomes significantly less fun if you have an agenda.
- Be conscious of what you buy for yourself. Likely you’ll want to keep whatever it is that you get for a lifetime to remember your trip. If you travel a lot, it is easy to end up with a pile of trinkets. My sister, who travels abroad frequently, advises to find something utilitarian that will add value to your life in a useful way. This most often ends up to be something kitchen related, or an easy buy of jewelry, which is lightweight and adds to your style.
- You’ll also likely appreciate the memory of shopping for the item as much as you will the item itself!
What gifts do you bring for hosts when traveling?
What are your favorite souvenirs?
Sustainable Family Finances
The story of a family creating an abundant and sustainable life.
Mama’s milk
I can hardly believe that it’s been a year since I weaned Girly. I wrote before about the many
health and financial benefits of breastfeeding
. I also feel strongly that breastfeeding helps with the bonding process, which you can’t put a price tag on.
Truthfully, I kind of miss the closeness and the down time that nursing demands. It’s important to take pauses in your day, especially since I’m so apt to go-go-go. But i
t is truly awesome to have such portable and free “food.”
I know not all moms can breastfeed, but that why I also love the idea of breast-milk banks. There’s a formal bank (by a friend of Hubby’s) called NW Mother’s Milk Bank.
In Portland there is also a Facebook group started by another friend of mine called
Local Breast Milk
to connect moms with/without milk.
I found this video awhile ago, and I love seeing moms nurse their babies. We are nursing our future…
Did you breastfeed?
Do you miss it at all?
Sustainable Family Finances
The story of a family creating an abundant and sustainable life.